Sunday, August 06, 2006

the lone surfer

I took this photo from up on the cliffs looking out over Jan Juc beach, Torquay. I've brought back the saturation heaps, and then tweaked the levels to give it a dreamy, washed out feel.

autumn colours

an oar's reflection


uncle steve

sitting on the fence

big sky lampost

man walking in the rain




This is a drawing of my mate timmy, taken from a self portrait photo. I like the contrasting of the flat, heavy texture of the beanie with the lightness and volume of the lines...

sunset moonrise

Dusk is one of my favourite times. Its a time of in-betweeness. I took this photo years ago on a crappy little 35mm camera (my mum's I think) - the moon was just beginning to rise as the sun was setting, and the clouds were like flames...


Also taken using my old SLR, this photo is about the way we end up being so dependent on the technology around us, the invisible, unnoticed, infrastructure of our civilisation. I'm not scared of technology, but I often find myself longing for a simpler, less tangled up life...


This is a photo of the collection of homemade longboards that my old Lonny sharehouse had accumlated. I took it using an old SLR that a friend gave me - I think I was the 4th owner of this poor old hand-me-down. But it takes beautiful photographs. I love the grainyness of this image - reminds me of old surf photos...